About US

Retreat on VITAYU was an attempt to experiment with designs incorporating natural building materials into indoor interiors. We tried to control the natural elements in a “clean” looking way. We also took the challenge to design the spa in the most unconventional way, eliminating typical Thai design elements, while offering Thai treatments in the spa menu. We have in mind to offer our patrons the chances to enjoy different signature spa treatment experiences. Our patrons will get to enjoy innovative spa treatment and products. Our special treatment menu is always changing, so patrons can choose from among the treatment varieties to experience at different occasions of their visit. These treatments have their own unique benefits that are catered to different needs.
Retreat on VITAYU 의 고급스럽고 자연 친화적인 인테리어는 고객 여러분이 경험하실 트리트먼트의 만족감을 극대화할것이라 확신합니다. 저희 SPA는 전형적인 타이 디자인에서 탈피하여, 편안한 휴식의 경험의 정점을 맛보실 수 있도록 세련되고 편안한 자연의 느낌을 그대로 옮겨 놓았습니다.

무엇보다 중요한 것은 고객님을 향한 저희의 진실된 정성과 마음입니다.
믿고 찾아 주신 고객 여러분께 전혀 다른 차원의 감동의 깊이를 선물해 드리겠습니다.
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